Ms. Rubina Zahoor

Counseling Psychologist


Rubina Zahoor is a CDA licensed Counselling Psychologist. She obtained a master’s degree in counselling psychology from Christ University, India. She has more than 10 years of experience working in counselling psychology.

Her broad range of experience includes working with families, children, adolescents, and adults from different cultural backgrounds who present with a variety of mental health and well-being concerns. Additionally, she had experience working at Father Muller’s Hospital in the pediatric oncology, psychiatry, and De-addiction department as a counseling Psychologist. She has also worked with BPL telecom in India as a corporate counselor to support the well-being of the employees. She has competence in team building, grieving and bereavement, policy formulation, detail-oriented work, and positive education. 

In a cooperative therapeutic process, she is committed to examining and strengthening each person’s personality and special potential. She views and participates in individual treatment plans holistically, adapting her strategy to meet the needs of the person seeking professional support. She draws inspiration from existential, psychodynamic, and cognitive-behavioural styles of therapy, and she holds the view that each person needs a different therapeutic approach in order to assure a positive reaction to the intervention. 

She is very interested in helping those who are having a hard time controlling challenging or overpowering feelings or circumstances in their lives. She does, however, enjoy dealing with people from diverse backgrounds and strives to build an environment where people feel free to express themselves and explore possibilities. With the aid of solution-focused techniques, she hopes to improve their quality of life while also helping them to become closer to themselves. 

She holds certifications from Stanford University in Introduction to Food and Health as well as Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health from the University of Sydney. 


MSc in Counselling Psychology
BA in Human Resource Development

Languages Spoken



Adult and Adolescent Psychotherapy 
Family Therapy
Guidance and support in parenting
Play Therapy